nlmixr2 2.1.0+ new estimation methods

By Matthew Fidler in nlmixr2

February 7, 2024

nlmixr2 2.1.0 was released and I promised to talk about the new features.

One of the things that can impact many peoples work-flow is new estimation methods for population-only data. Many people use population-only estimation methods before changing the model to a mixed effect model, so I believe these can be useful for many people trying to find the best model to the data at hand.

I will talk about the new ones (and why you may want to use them).

Gradient free optimization

There are three gradient-free optimization methods.

  • bobyqa from newuoa::bobyqa for gradient free constrained optimization

  • uobyqa from newuoa::uobyqa for gradient free unconstrained optimization

  • optim that uses the R function stats::optim for the gradient-free methods; optimControl(method="Nelder-Mead"), optimControl(method="BFGS"), optimControl(method="SANN") and optimControl(method="Brent").

I know most pharmacometricians can write these models functions themselves.

However, using the nlmixr2 interface gives the following advantages:

  • The log-likelihood is calculated from the model by nlmixr2est/rxode2, you don’t have to write these equations by hand.

  • The model is loaded into memory before the optimization begins. Because of this pre-loading, the optimization does not take as long as if you wrote a rxode2 model and used a R function to optimize and find the best solution.

  • Parameters are scaled (based on the same method as nlmixr2, which uses parsing to try to make the parameters similar on a log-scale; this parses particular expressions and uses the symbolic gradient to try to scale the parameter). If you want it un-scaled you can turn this off in the control options.

  • The covariance of the estimates are calculated automatically (which is not done for a simple optimization problem)

  • At the solution the table of individual predictions, residuals etc are automatically added to an output table for quick diagnostic plots.

  • The fit is a nlmixr2 model object and can be used with any of the supporting packages, and can even be used in (my favorite feature) model piping.

So, I think there is some value to these methods over simply using the optimization directly.

nls – Traditional Nonlinear Regression

  • nls using the R function stats::nls (or since closely related minpack.lm::nlsNM)

The nls estimation method has similar advantages as the gradient-free method, but it also:

  • Calculates the gradient of each point and possibly the Hessian depending on the nls method. This is different from the rest of the likelihood methods since they calculate the likelihood of the problem overall, but the nls methods calculate these for each observation time-point.

  • In addition to scaling based on parsed parameter forms, the scaling is adjusted by calculating the gradient at the initial parameter value. Then this gradient is scaled as well to be in the neighborhood of 1.

I have personally in testing this method that nls to be a bit less robust than say nlminb or nlm (though it could be simply the data set I am using).

nlminb & nlm – Optimization using symbolic gradients and Shi-adjusted finite difference Hessians

  • nlminb using stats::nlminb and

  • nlm using stats::nlm

This has the same advantages of the nls method, though only one likelihood is optimized.

When calculating the Hessian for optimization the problem it uses the modified Shi 2021 algorithm ( to pick the optimal step-size for calculating the Hessian from the gradient. Instead of optimizing the gradient directly, the algorithm optimizes the harmonic mean of the gradient of all points. This is the same method that was used for the generalized log-likelihood in focei ( and in my testing performed better than other methods.

Optimization with symbolic gradients of likelihood

  • optim that uses the R function stats::optim for the gradient methods [optimControl(method="L-BFGS-B"), optimControl(method="BFGS") and optimControl(method="CG")].

  • nlminb that uses the R function stats::nlminb (by default)

  • lbfgsb3c to estimate population only likelihoods using lbfgsb3c::lbfgsb3c().

  • n1qn1 uses the function n1qn1::n1qn1

These are the remaining methods; They have all the same advantages as the methods above but they do not use the Hessian in the optimization.

Looking backward

The method "focei" still downgrades to a log-likelihood when there is no between subject variability. Unlike the above methods, the problem gradient (or Hessian) is not calculated. This matches the behavior of the “focei” that optimizes the “outer” problem numerically.

If/when we add a gradient-based outer optimization, we will add the gradients to that method. However, it will likely be called something different.

Looking forward

You may wonder if we would add another population estimation method based on another excellent optimization package in R. I don’t mind, though it will probably go in babelmixr2 instead of the core nlmixr2. These methods were chose because they were part of base R or already imported into nlmixr2 (with the exception of minpack.lm which was very close to the nls implementation so it was added).

I am grateful for all the people who have found nlmixr2 in their work, and those who have given bug reports so nlmixr2 can get better.

Posted on:
February 7, 2024
4 minute read, 807 words
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